Casio CZ-1000


Casio CZ-1000
Manufactured by Casio
Dates 1985
Price Approx. US$ 1000
Technical specifications
Polyphony 8 voices (4 voices with most patches)
Timbrality 8
Oscillator digital
Synthesis type Phase distortion synthesis
Filter phase distortion
Attenuator 8 step envelop generators
Aftertouch No
Velocity sensitive No
Memory 32 patches
Effects none
Keyboard 49-note, no velocity
Left-hand control pitch-bend wheel
External control MIDI

The Casio CZ-1000 was the second programmable Casio Synthesizer after the CZ-101. It is in fact the full key size version of the CZ-101. All other characteristics are similar.

It uses the Phase distortion synthesis related to all other Casio CZ synthesizers models. It was also one of the first low cost multi-timbral synthesizers with normal sized keyboard.

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